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Brian Reynolds

Meet Brian, the heart of Headwaters Appraisal.  Brian directs all the appraisal functions of the company from the Headwaters office in Boise, Idaho. Brian has over a decade of appraisal experience in numerous property types. He particularly enjoys the challenges associated with valuing conservation easements and other partial interests such as water rights.

Brian is a fourth generation Idahoan. Always the outdoorsman, Brian spent his youth guiding in Idaho’s central mountains. Between guiding raft trips on the famed Middle Fork Salmon River, and elk hunters in the White Cloud Mountains, Brian developed a love for the land which remains today.

Taking college courses whenever he could, Brian attended the University of Idaho, University of Montana, and the University of Washington, eventually receiving a degree in Geology. The skills developed while studying geology now help Brian make detailed observations of the land and help bring to life the story of the property he is valuing. This is an exceptional skill when inspecting and valuing complex agricultural properties.

Post-graduate work from Boise State University earned Brian a teaching certificate in Earth Science. Brian taught school before beginning his career in appraising, and he continues to emphasize education for himself, his clients, and the public through teaching continuing education courses, and public workshops.

Brian has provided market value appraisals for various individual, corporate, and governmental entities. In particular, Brian has extensive specialized training and experience related to conservation easement valuations. In late 2006, the IRS issued interim rules relative to the appraisal of conservation easements regarding appraiser qualifications and specialized training. By being one of the first appraisers in Idaho to receive the required certification to value conservation easements, Brian continues to be on the leading edge of knowledge in this area. He continues to contribute to the greater understanding of his peers and other interested parties by leading classes and giving educational talks related to conservation easements.

Jennifer Lawrence
Support Staff Extraordinaire

Meet Jennifer, the not so hidden gem of Headwaters Appraisal.  Jennifer provides all the appraisal support to the company from the Headwaters office in Boise, Idaho. Jennifer has worked over a decade in the appraisal industry. Jennifer and Brian have developed a synergy that has allowed Headwaters to become such a successful, organized, and innovative company. Jennifer is here to help when ever needed and looks forward to meeting the needs of all our clients as we continue to grow.