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Our One Percent Back Program

Headwaters Appraisal is proud to announce its One Percent Back program to promote land conservation for the benefit of hunters, fishermen, and all who enjoy open spaces.

Headwaters donates 1% of our profits to ensure that we give back to organizations which makes our work relevant.

Visit the Land Trust Alliance’s web site and learn more about the importance of conservation. LandTrustAlliance.org


Headwaters Appraisal is proud to be a member of Impact Club!


Impact Club Boise is made up of people like you, who care about their local community, who meet four times a year for one hour, (typically at a brewery, winery, or some fun venue in town). We all bring a check for $100. We gather, get a drink, and then we hear from three non-profit organizations doing work in our community. These three charities get five minutes and a microphone (that’s it) to tell us their story.

Then we all vote for the best story of the three. The organization with the most votes wins the pot. That’s when we hand over our $100 checks. This allows us to take our small donations and make a HUGE IMPACT in one night. It’s kind of like crowdfunding for good local causes, but we make it extra cool and fun and since every member donates the same amount, we are all equally responsible for the impact we make.